Peer Review

Peer Review Policy

International Journal of Multi-Faceted Research (IJMFR) is devoted to maintaining the highest academic publication standards and assuring the accuracy and authenticity of the research it publishes. The peer review process is a key component of this commitment. Peer review is a rigorous and constructive assessment procedure carried out by experts in the area that helps assure the credibility and integrity of the research papers submitted to IJMFR.

The peer review policy of IJMFR addressed the following aspects:


  • Manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Multi-Faceted Research must be highly original and make a significant contribution to the current body of knowledge in their subject.
  • Reviewers have a responsibility to properly assess the research's distinctiveness, ensuring that the information is neither duplicated nor unduly similar to prior papers.


  • Manuscripts are reviewed for general structure, clarity, and conformity to the journal's requirements. This involves correct formatting, citations, and a structured presentation of ideas.
  • Reviewers are required to give critical criticism on the manuscript's structure, recommending revisions as needed.

Review Report

  • Reviewers must provide constructive feedback on the manuscript, including strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement.
  • The feedback should be objective and highlight both positive and negative aspects.

The suitability and Promptness

  • Manuscripts are evaluated for relevance to the scope of the International Journal of Multi- faceted Research. Reviewers are expected to determine if the content is relevant to the journal's topic and makes a substantial contribution to the field.
  • The review process is meant to be efficient, ensuring that submitted publications are evaluated on time. To ensure that the publication process runs well, reviewers are required to stick to the agreed-upon deadlines.

Standards for objectivity

  • Reviewers are expected to remain objective during the evaluation process. Personal prejudices or conflicts of interest that might jeopardize impartiality should be identified and addressed.
  • Evaluations should be based only on the quality of the study, methodology, and presentation, with no preference or prejudice.


  • The double-blind peer review approach preserves the secrecy of both authors and reviewers. Reviewers are unaware of the writers' identity, and vice versa.
  • Reviewers are reminded to keep manuscripts strictly secret and not discuss or share any information about the submission.

Ethical Consideration

  • Manuscripts are reviewed for adherence to ethical norms in research and publishing. Reviewers are supposed to report any ethical problems, including as plagiarism, data falsification, or other unethical behavior.
  • Authors are expected to follow ethical norms, and reviewers play an important role in detecting and resolving ethical concerns during the reviewing process.